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No insurance plans were found with the criteria entered, please check your entries and resubmit.*

Possible reasons could be:

  • Not all the plans are available in all the places.
  • No plans are available based on the filter criteria you used. Try widening the criteria.

* Please contact us with Quote ID: {{fullQuoteId}} as we may still be able to arrange a plan for you.

Minor Primary cannot have Dependent Children.

Marine Crew Health Insurance

Marine Crew Health Insurance Basics
Enter Primary Applicant {{displayAges}}

Primary Age is required.

Primary Age must be a number.

Minor Primary cannot have Spouse.

Minor Primary cannot have Dependent Children.

Primary Gender is required.

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Primary Applicant is required.

Please check the Age(s) entered.

Maternity is required.

Coverage Area is required.

Enter Spouse Details {{displaySpouseAges}}

Spouse Age is required.

Spouse Age must be a number.

Spouse cannot be a minor.

Spouse Gender is required.

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Spouse is required.

Please check the Age(s) entered.

Number of Children is required.

Number of Children is required.

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Marine Crew Health Insurance

Marine crew health insurance provides annually renewable major medical insurance plans for marine and yacht crew members while at sea and on land.

Your vessel's P&I insurance may not provide adequate medical coverage. You need year round major medical insurance, whether on duty or off duty.

Don't get caught without marine crew health insurance, get free quotes today!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Marine Crew Health Insurance

  • What is crew coverage insurance?

    Marine crew insurance or yacht crew health insurance is annually renewable major medical insurance for marine crewmembers such as those working on yachts, cruise ships, or commercial shipping vessels. It is designed to cover accidents and illnesses, doctor’s visits, and necessary treatment for crewmembers who primarily work outside their home country, where their domestic health insurance will not be accepted.

  • What health insurance do marine crew members get?

    The health insurance available to marine crewmembers will vary depending on their employer and their work locations. For those who do not have access to suitable marine health insurance for their location from an employer, marine crew health insurance from an independent broker can be a smart solution.

  • What is not covered by marine insurance?

    Marine crew insurance will not cover elective procedures, medical tourism, or preexisting conditions other than those detailed in the policy document for the individual plan. Also, while some plans can offer coverage for maternity and wellness checkups, not every plan will. Be sure to compare plans using the quote form above to find the best marine insurance for your needs.

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Looking for a different type of coverage?

Marine Group Health Insurance

Marine crew groups can customize insurance, with proposals provided in a few days, potentially requiring underwriting for lowest rates.

Visitors to USA Insurance

Marine crew often exclude US coverage. For US visits, consider visitors insurance, covering new medical issues, some pre-existing conditions.

Group Travel Insurance

For 5 or more crew traveling beyond marine coverage, group travel medical insurance offers similar coverage, typically at 10% less.